This was from my devotional this morning. I have the New Woman's Devotional bible. I highly recommend this bible if you don't have one or are looking for a new bible. The reading came from Numbers 27:1-11. Zelophehad's daughters came to Moses because their father had died and he didn't have any sons. They wanted to inherit his property. Moses took this before the Lord and the Lord told Moses that it was right for the women to inherit the property. This is just one glimpse of how the Lord sees women. It is hard to realize at times in our society how women have been looked upon in other times. During Moses time it was a male dominated world. Women had no rights. But we see throughout the bible that the Lord uses women just as he uses men. He is not in the business of being sexist. God wants to use those who want to serve Him.
I'm named after Sarah from the bible. My mom was inspired by her faith. My middle name is Elizabeth named from my mom's grandma Bessie. Thank you to my dad for not allowing mom to actually name me Bessie. I found out last week while at home with my mom during our blizzard what a wonderful Christian woman my great-grandmother Bessie was. My mom told me that during WW2 her grandparents had German prisoners of war working on their Land. At lunch time my great-grandmother Bessie would cook a big lunch and invite these German POWs to sit at her kitchen table. To her these men were young men much like her son, my grandfather who was off in the Pacific. It didn't matter to her where they were from. She showed them Christian hospitality. When the military found out about this they told my grandmother she had to stop and serve the prisoners in the fields.
I think about Mary and Martha. Martha was busy trying to make all the preparations for Jesus' visit. while Mary sat at his feet listening to his teaching. Jesus was pleased with Mary because she took the time to listen at His feet. It seems that as women in 2011 we have so much to be busy with. I'm a medical student so my life consists of sleep, eating and studying and not necessarily in that order. I find it hard to sit at the Lord's feet and learn from Him. But when I do I come away refreshed and able to do what He has called me to do better. There is so much demanded of us as women. We are expected to maintain a house, raise children, and the list goes on. I feel that as women it is important that we are strong that we take time to rest at the Lord feet to refresh ourselves for what the Lord has called us to.
Todays devotion has made me think about other women in my life who have been wonderful examples to me and the one that comes to mind right now is my grandma Mary. She was an amazing woman. She was strong and determined. She was like many of the women that read about in the bible. She was spent her life serving others. She would always have my favorite meal made when I came to see her...roast beef and chocolate cake. She was determined she worked hard through her therapy for 2nd elbow replacement. Even in her last month she was determined to work. I sat at the kitchen table with her as she would help cut vegetables for dinner. She didn't want to stop. Her strength and determination inspire me to work hard and never give up. Her attitude of service challenges me to have a servant heart. She inspires me to sit at the feet of Jesus to listen and be refreshed to do his work. To give my heart fully to him. It was hard for her to be like the Mary of the bible at times. But I fully believe that when she entered heavens gates the Lord met her and said well done my good and faithful servant. For the first time in her life someone else made the banquet food and she sat down. No one had to push her to go through the line. My grandmother would always want to wait until we all went through the buffet line before she sat down.
So today I challenge myself and all other women out there, to be women of faith, endurance, and service. Take time to sit at our Savior's feet and learn from Him. Take time to devote yourself to His service what ever that may be. And I truly believe that He will give you the desires of your heart.
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