20 August 2011

Sunrises and Harvests

This month I'm traveling to Muskogee everyday for my psych rotation. I leave Tulsa about 630 in the morning. I get to watch the sunrise every morning. If you don't know this Oklahoma has some of the most beautiful sunrises. Everyday sunrise is different. I enjoy watching the sunrises every morning. It is a great way to start my day. It is a worshipful and relaxing time to watch the sunrise. It really prepares me for my day. Just as each day begins with a new sunrise, each day is new for us and comes with new opportunities. It reminds me that even if we made mistakes or go through trials the day before we have a new day to try again.

I'm reminded of Ruth. Ruth is my favorite woman in the bible. I know I've mentioned her before. Ruth had moved to Bethlehem with her mother-in-law after her husband died. Both Ruth and Naomi were in mourning over their husbands' death when the arrived. The last verse in the first chapter of Ruth says that they arrived just as the harvest was beginning. The harvest is a sign of new life and new beginnings, just like the sunrises I watch every morning.

We are given new life in Christ when we become Christians. We are given an everlasting life, free from sin and death like I talked about last week. God knows we aren't perfect and that even as Christians we are human and have sinful nature, so in his infinite mercy He gives us new beginnings when we make mistakes.

Sunrises also remind us that a new day is coming. As Christians we are not free from the trials of life. But we do have a heavenly Father that is with us every step of the way. It can be pretty dark in the mornings when I leave. The sunrises usually start with rays of sun coming through the clouds and breaking the darkness. This reminds me that sometimes in our trials we don't think we can see the end but God starts to show us His light at just the right time.

I would like to conclude my writing briefly about two "Stout" women who live their life looking for the sunrises and believing in new life, new beginnings, and new days. My friends Amy and Nancy from church have been great examples of faith to me over the last year. Last August Nancy's 3 year old son was diagnosed with a Wilms tumor. Over the past year Nancy has chosen to trust God for His mercy, she has chosen to praise the Lord and let others know that her son's life is in God's hands. She has inspired me to do the same. Amy has been a mentor and friend for years. Her son was diagnosed with Leukemia in May. She  has chosen to seek the Lords face and trust in Him for her son's care. I'm honored to call these ladies friends and mentors.

So this week look for the Sunrises in your life. Do you have new life in Christ? Do see the ways God gives you new beginnings? Do see the sun breaking through the clouds of your life?

So Naomi returned from Moab accompanied by Ruth the Moabite, her daughter-in-law, arriving in Bethlehem as the barley harvest was beginning 
Ruth 1:22

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