02 September 2012

Refining Fire

When I was in middle school, I did a science fair project on forrest fires. I became interested in forrest fires when my family and I went on vacation to Yellowstone National Park. While there we could see damage from a recent forrest fires. At first we were sadden by the destruction of the fires, but then a forrest ranger educated us about the need for forrest fires. The ranger told us how the fires were needed for the regeneration of the forrest. When there is a fire nutrients from the wood and grass of the forrest that burns is allowed to reenter the soil and provide a rich fertilizer. Fires also get rid of brush that has accumulated in the forrest and serves as a natural forrest clearer. If you have been anywhere near Oklahoma recently you know that we are in a severe drought. At the beginning of August several wild fires broke out across the state. These fires caused destruction of not only the land but, properties as well. Some of these areas are along I-44 which I have traveled frequently recently while going back and forth between Oklahoma City and Tulsa. About 4 weeks ago, the first weekend after the fires, I drove home. I saw several patches of black, grey, and ashy pieces of land. Trees trunks were brunt and their leaves had turn brown as if it was fall. Then next weekend as I drove home, I saw tiny little pieces of green coming up through the blackened earth. The following weekend I saw more green coming up through the blackened earth. This weekend as I drove home through more areas that had been burned I saw the same thing happening in stages as some areas had burned more recently. There were areas that had this lush green grass that was beautiful. It was bright green and looked like the beginning of spring. The tree trunks were still burned and the leaves were brown, but there were leaves that were starting to turn green again. These brown leaves had fallen off as in the fall, but new leaves were budding out. It was beautiful.

Okay sorry for the description about wild fires, but it does have a point. As I was driving home this Friday I realized that our lives are much like this. You see we all have the wild fires of our own lives. I believe that God uses these fires to bring about change and growth in our lives. The wild fires of our lives are not pleasant and they hurt. They may cause pain and sadness as they do in those that lose property during fires. But the fires in our lives are necessary just as they are in nature. God uses these trials to  allow us to grow. He uses these trials to get rid of the "junk" that has accumulated in our lives and taken our focus off Him. When we first accept Christ we are a new creation in God, but because we are still human we continue to need times of refining. As Christians our lives should be focused on growing closer to God, to perfecting our relationship with Him, and seeking His will for our lives. Isaiah 48:10 says that  we are refined "not as silver, but in the furnace of affliction". You see the fire is necessary to bring about the perfection and beauty of what God wants to create in you and me. After the refining process in our lives we begin to have regeneration of life just as in the forrest fire. We become a more beautiful creation in Christ, with beautiful new grass just like after a forrest fire. We are better able to focus the plan that God has prepared for us because the rubbish and distractions have been cleared. 

We must remember that while necessary the fires of our lives can be painful. Times of refining are not pleasant but the result is worthwhile. Recently a friend of mine lost a baby in a miscarriage. She has encouraged me as she has shared with me what she has learned through this experience. So in closing two final words from this dear friend to remember during the fires of your life. 

"God keeps His promises and He never wastes a Hurt"

1 comment:

  1. This was so good. I love the illustration of the wildfires...how fires refine us and get rid of not just the bad stuff, but even good stuff, so He can give us His best. Love you and thank you for encouraging me through this post.
