12 June 2011

A Family of Stout Women

So I took a hiatus from writing on my blog due to finals and boards studying. well finals are over and boards are on Tuesday.  So I decided I could take a study break to write an update to my blog. I was talking with my cousin Beth recently and she shared some interesting information she found on ancestry.com. As many of you know that have been following my blog I decided to write about stout women. Beth discovered that our great-grandfather Troy had some Stout's in his ancestry. I found this rather amusing. She also discovered that this Stout family had 1 daughter and several sons. The daughter's name was Sarah and that is our family's direct descendent. I told Beth that this deserved a blog update.

I think that it is no coincident that my family has descended from a family known as Stout. As I have written in the past about my grandmother, my great-grandmother, and my mother these women are Stout. They are strong, courageous, bold, and determined. These women have set an example for my cousin Beth and I. We have learned from their example how to be strong and determined. The past month's of studying have been difficult and at times discouraging as I prepare to take my first set of boards. When I have become discouraged and exhausted in my studies I remember how hard my grandmother worked. Grandma Mary worked hard until her last days. The last summer I spent with her she wanted to spend her time around the kitchen table cutting vegetables and doing what ever she could to prepare a meal for us. As I have mentioned before she had her elbow replaced twice and endured tough physical therapy. She inspires me to never give up and always do my best and to never give up.

My desire today is not to write about myself, but about my cousin Beth. She too has learned many lessons from our grandma. Beth is an Army wife. I admire her for her willingness to serve our country in this special way. Beth has spent countless months over the past several years not only serving as mom, but as dad to her two children Mitchell and Darci. She has stood by her husband as he serves our country overseas. Currently her husband Dave is on his second deployment to Iraq. Beth does her best to maintain a sense of normalcy for her children when he is gone. When I look at Beth I see much of my grandmother in her. She is a bold and determined woman. She doesn't give up and always seeks the best for her family. I'm proud to say that Beth is not just my cousin, but has become like a big sister and is my best friend. Beth has supported me in numerous ways and I always know that I can count on her.

So I'm not surprised to learn about the Stout's in our family tree. The women I have known in my family have always been strong, bold, determined, and uncompromising. They are like glue that holds the family together in times of need. The women in my family inspire me to accomplish greatness.

Please join me in praying for Dave as he is deployed as well as Beth, Mitchell and Darci. Also please keep all of our troops overseas in your prayers.

1 comment:

  1. I'll be praying for Dave. My son-in-love Mike is serving our country in Germany this week. I'm loving playing with the Grand Ones Noah (6) and Ella (2 1/2) while he is away. We pray for Mike when he is gone too. My daughter "Cindy is amazing too. She takes charge as Mom and Dad while he is away, but it is not always easy. Bether, Mitchell, and Darci I pray for you too.
    Nancy Armstrong
