30 June 2011


Good Evening everyone from Fort Sam Houston, Texas. This month I will be completing my basic officer training for the Army. If you didn't know I joined the Army National Guard two years ago to help pay for school. This month I decided to deviate a little bit from the topic of Stout women and blog about my experiences in BOLC.

Yesterday myself and Thalia Douglas from school drove down from Tulsa. I was excited to drive through Dallas by myself for the first time ever. We didn't get lost either. It was a little confusing trying to figure out how to get around post but I think we've figured it out.

DAY 0 as today was called started off at 0900 with check in. Our first set of briefings/classes was this evening. We start tomorrow morning at 0415 in formation outside of the AMEDD center and school. Tomorrow we will have a full day of classes learning about the Army. Today we also wore our uniforms for the first time. We will definitely have to get used to being saluted and saluting others. Well this is a somewhat dry post, but I hope to add much more too it over the month and I need to get to bed for my 3:00 wake up.  I'm sure I'll have some stories. Please pray that they get our orders corrected...long story...but if they don't we will have to go home and come back and do this all over again. Good Night.

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