27 July 2011

Land of the Free because of the Brave

Monday concluded my BOLC training experience. This past month I have had fun, I have worked hard, and I have done things that thought I would never do. I have come away from this experience realizing that I am apart of something bigger than myself. Granted there have been frustrating times this month, but I can honestly say that I love the Army and what I'm going to get to do. 

Our last week in the field was spent practicing the three levels of care used in the battle field. IT was a good week. It brought the information taught in class to life. During the first round of the exercise at level 3 I was a patient. This was an interesting experience and reminded me that I need to remember what my patients may be going through. I was a radio operator for our level 1 unit. I had to work with the person in charge of evacuating patients and radio into to evac the patients that we had. In level two I worked as a part of the treatment team.  The night before we did level 2, we had rain so they were able to use pyrotechnics. They simulated a bombing on the FOB. This was an interesting experience because we had to take cover and be prepared to cover our patients. I was in charge of covering a patient if we had one at our station at the time of a "bombing". I find myself being more excited about future deployments than I was before I came to BOLC. As an AMEDD officer my job is to bring soldier's home to their families. Now that I've seen how care works in theater. I want to go save lives. I want to continue to be a part of something bigger than myself. I want to go knowing that I could be a part of bring a soldier home to his or her family. 

As I said at the beginning of my post I learned this month that I was apart of something bigger than myself. The Army is a family in and of itself. Over the past month I have made many friends. Many of these friends I consider life-long. I spent many hours with my new friends on post, on the FOB, and doing laundry. We have learned to help each other and support each other through this month of training. Monday my friends and I gave hugs and wished each other safe travels. All around me people were hugging their new friends. I know we will keep in contact and it is honoring to me to think that one day I could serve down range with these people. I would be honored to serve along side the men and women I have worked with this past month. You should be honored to know that these men and women have volunteered their time not just to take care of fighting men and women but to serve you the American people and to be soldiers. 

Throughout the training it was emphasized that we were soldiers first, officers second and AMEDD last in that line. I'm a very proud to say that I am a solider in the United States Army. During graduation we recited the soldiers creed. It gave me chills to hear the other 580 voices I trained with this month recite this in unison. It reminds me of my purpose. This past month I have realized that I am a part of something bigger. I am a member of a team and family, a family that extends all across the United States. I am confident in myself. The Soldiers Creed is the best way that I could find to sum up my month at BOLC. 
The Soldier's Creed

I am an American Soldier

I am a warrior and a member of a team. 

I serve the people of the United States and live the Army Values

 I will always place the mission first

I will never accept defeat

I will never quit

I will never leave a fallen comrade

I am disciplined, physically, and mentally tough, trained and proficient, in my warrior tasks and drills.

I will always maintain my arms, my equipment, and myself. I am and expert and a professional

I stand ready to deploy, engage and destroy the enemies of the United States of American in close combat.

I am a guardian of freedom and the American way of life.

I am an American Soldier

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