18 May 2012


 I have decided to start reading The Resolution for Women by Priscilla Shirer. This book was written in response to the movie Courageous. This movie details the lives of  five men who decided each other to live the lives that God called them to...to be Courageous men with honor, who lead their families. This book is specifically written towards women. They have written a resolution for women similar to the one that the men took in the movie. The book consists of 13 chapters that detail each resolution. AS I read this book I have decided to blog what I am reading about. I encourage you to grab a copy of this book at your local book store or download it on your ipad, kindle, nook...etc and read with me. 
In the opening chapter Pricilla discusses that it won’t be easy looking at these resolutions. It will take some soul searching and learning to be honest with yourself. So I recognize that this challenge is not easy. First it will require those of us that do it to be honest with ourselves and with God. It will require us to remove the masks that I’ve talked about before. Like I’ve said before the refining process that I believe will happen through this book may not be easy but the end product I’m sure will be a beautiful masterpiece even more beautiful than you already are. So if you’re in...join me. If not continue to read maybe it will inspire you to join me. I’m in the middle of the first chapter right now so I will write a big post on the chapter as a whole. But first let me share with you the Resolution for Women...
  1. I do solemnly resolve to embrace my current season of life and will maximize my time in it. I will resist the urge to hurry through or circumvent any portion of my journey but will live a spirit of contentment
  2. I will champion God’s model for womanhood in the face of a postfeminist culture. I will teach it to my daughters and encourage its support by my son.
  3. I will accept and celebrate my uniqueness and will esteem and encourage the distinctions I admire in others.
  4. I will live as a woman answerable to GOd and faithfully committed to His word.
  5. I will seek to devote the best of myself, my time, and my talents to the primary roles the Lord has entrusted to me in this phase of my life. 
  6. I will be a woman who is quick to listen and slow to speak. I will care about the concerns of others and esteem them more highly than myself.
  7. I will forgive those who have wronged me and reconcile with those I have wronged.
  8. I will not tolerate evil influences even in the most justifiable form, in myself or in my home, but will embrace and encourage a life of purity.
  9. I will pursue justice, love, and mercy and extend compassion toward others.
  10. I will be faithful to my husband and honor him in my conduct and conversation in order to bring glory to the name of the Lord. I will aspire to be a suitable partner for him and to help him reach his God-given potential.
  11. I will demonstrate to my children how to love God with all their hearts, minds, and strength and will train them to respect authority and live responsibility. 
  12. I will cultivate a peaceful home where everyone can sense God’s presence not only through acts of love and service but also through the pleasant and grateful attitude with which I preform them. 
  13. I fully resolve to make today’s decisions with tomorrow’s impact in mind. I will consider my current choices in light of those who will come after me. 
So are you with me? Will you join me on this journey of discovering how God can change our lives through this simple resolution? Look for my first post sometime next week. 
Resolution: The state or quality of being resolute; firm determination;  A course of action determined or decided upon

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